PARAM Shavak PDF Download
Brief Description
PARAM Shavak an affordable supercomputing solution in a box that aims to provide computational resource (Capacity building) with advanced technologies to perform high-end computations for scientific, engineering and academic programs to address and catalyze the research using modelling, simulation and data analysis.
Main uses and domain
Academic and research community High Performance Computing, Education and Research
Features and Technical Specifications
- Only HPC solution available as a desktop model.
- Equipped with indigenously developed softwares (ONAMA and CHReME)
- Operates under normal environmental conditions thus saving a lot of customer investment and recurring expenditure costs.
- Equipped with the same parallel programming development environment as available with the large HPC clusters.
- Provision for access to C-DAC National PARAM Supercomputing Facility for more compute needs based on usage policies.
- Low sound level and heat dissipation so as to make the system comfortable to be placed as a table top model in working place
- Affordable licensing policies (one time during purchase) for academic use.
Technical specs
- 2 – 5 Tera-Flops peak computing power with 8 TB of storage
- 64 GB RAM
- Powered with 2 multicore CPUs each with minimum 12 cores
- 2 numbers of accelerator cards – NVIDIA K40 accelerator card and NVIDIA P5000 for deep learning
Platform required(if any)
The entire configuration is available in a single server in a table top model.
Built-in HPC Applications
- Bio-informatics: mpiBLAST
- Molecular Dynamics: GROMACS
- Materials Science: Quantum Espresso
- Quantum Chemistry: NWChem, ABINIT
- Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling: WRF, MOM
- CFD: Open FOAM